You’re invited to the Annual Fundraiser and Gathering in support of Cascade Lake 4-H Camp!

For 56 years, Cascade Lake 4-H Camp has been providing a safe, comfortable and accessible camp facility for Idaho youth.

Join us for our annual event to raise funds for Cascade Lake 4-H Camp so we can continue hosting future generations of happy campers.

Saturday, October 2, 2021
Indian Creek Winery
1000 N. McDermott Road, Kuna, Idaho

Our annual gathering brings together current and past generations of campers, as well as long-time camp supporters, for a delicious dinner, live music by The River Brothers’ Band, silent and live auctions, and a fun evening for the whole family.

4:00 PM: Live music and silent auction begins
5:00 PM: Dutch oven dinner is served
6:00 PM: Auction winners announced

To reserve your spot, complete the following form for each attendee and pay via PayPal.

Admit One (Select Adult or Child)
Attendee and/or Family Name

If you have questions, contact us.

Unable to attend? You can still make a tax-deductible donation to support Cascade Lake 4-H Camp! Click here to make a contribution or mail a check to the following address:

Cascade Lake 4-H Camp
217 W Georgia Ave, Suite 100
Nampa, ID 83686

Happy Camping!