Cascade Lake 4‐H Camp needs your support in raising funds for improvement projects that will ensure the camp is a safe, comfortable, and accessible facility for future generations of happy campers. Please join us for delicious Dutch oven tri‐tip dinner, live music, silent and live auctions, and fun activities for the whole family.

Saturday, October 5, 2019
Indian Creek Winery
1000 N McDermott Road, Kuna Idaho

4:00 PM: Children’s Activities, Silent & Dessert Auctions, Live Music by Billy & the Barn Kats
5:00 PM: Dutch Oven Dinner
6:00 PM: Auction Winners Announced

Click for RSVP card and pay here.

Please respond by September 28.

Email: [email protected] or call Kathy at (208) 467‐3237 to reserve your spot.